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contoh kalimat astronomical spectroscopy

"astronomical spectroscopy" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The spectral series are important in astronomical spectroscopy for detecting the presence of hydrogen and calculating red shifts.
    Rangkaian spektral sangat penting dalam astronomi untuk mendeteksi keberadaan dari hidrogen dan menghitung pergeseran merah.
  • Astronomical spectroscopy Bohr model Hydrogen spectral series Lyman series Rydberg formula Stellar classification Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schr?dinger equation Nave, C. R. (2006).
    Deret spektrum hidrogen Spektroskopi astronomi Klasifikasi bintang Model Bohr Pembuktian teori dan eksperimen persamaan Schr?dinger Rumus Rydberg ^ C.R. Nave (2006).
  • This since has led to the core of astronomical spectroscopy, allowing astronomers to make observations about the composition of stars, planets, and other stellar features through the spectral lines, as well as observing the motion and expansion of the universe, and the existence of dark matter.
    Temuan ini menjadi perintis spektroskopi astronomi sehingga para astronom dapat menentukan komposisi bintang, planet, dan benda kebintangan lainnya menggunakan garis spektrum, serta mengamati gerakan dan perluasan alam semesta, dan keberadaan materi gelap.